Main Campus


Best Infrastructure
• 5 Acres with Wi-Fi Campus
• Biology, Physics & Chemistry Lab
• Mathematics Lab
• Indoor & Outdoor Stadium with Sport facility
• Silambam, Athletics
• Volley Ball, Throw Ball

A true family, more than any other force shapes the attitude, hopes, aspirations and values of the child. Be it the biological family or an extended family, such as the school, the child’s core feelings of the heart are nurtured. That’s how the child survives all differences. It provides necessary security and support, and acts as a shield against external problems. A family made up of secure people generates a magnetic power that can get things done and moving.

Our curriculum is designed with this perspective and we as educationists play our roles with the same ideology.

A learner-friendly environment is developed catering to varied levels of learning. We believe that maximum learning happens through experience. All activities are objective-oriented, but not with distinct boundaries that restrict the imagination of the child beyond a point. We understand that the more they explore, the more challenging the task is, the more the child learns from it.

Having designed a two-session program for the Kindergarten children, both levels 1 & 2, they not only have ample time to enhance their literary skills, mathematical concepts and environmental awareness, but also have sufficient time to experience each and everything they see and hear from the teachers or the audio-visual aids, with their own hands, thereby stimulating their aesthetic, kinesthetic, spiritual and moral instincts.

The objective-oriented curriculum caters to this wonderful, memorable hands-on experience of the child in his/her crucial years of learning. The curriculum is segregated into viz., Fun with Math, Jolly Phonics, Reading & writing, Eco-friendly, Music and Movement, Art, Developmental & Carpet time , Audio-visual & Outdoor.

The developmental time is an integral part of a day’s schedule. The tasks considered for this period of time, especially the role play corner enable the child grasp concepts with ease.

Having designed a two-session program for the Kindergarten children, both levels 1 & 2, they not only have ample time to enhance their literary skills, mathematical concepts and environmental awareness, but also have sufficient time to experience each and everything they see and hear from the teachers or the audio-visual aids, with their own hands, thereby stimulating their aesthetic, kinesthetic, spiritual and moral instincts.

Each subject has set objectives, based on the levels. A lot of research goes into the formulating of activities for the children to doubly ensure that the objective is put across most effectively. Activity-based learning methods are a boon to slow learners.

Documentation of children’s work in progress is viewed as an important tool in the learning process for children. Documentation is used as assessment. We believe that you cannot assess a child for the year on one particular day; hence we follow everyday assessment method which is a continuous process of collecting the child’s activities which speaks for themselves.

Our classrooms

Unique picture talk displays on the wall – teaches the children about everyday objects, animals, colours and helps the teacher in building vocabulary, speech, inculcates the foundation for reading, matching activities and a lot more. Our furniture are very minimum – does not clutter the place – no sharp edges – colourful and child size – even our cabinets are easily accessible by children. They can learn to be independent and self-sufficient.
